pastel mix & match


Pastels are a major trend right now. Why not put together a pastel ensemble that matches the colors of blooming magnolia trees and burgeoning greenery in your neighborhood?

Even though pastels are light colors, they can flatter your figure if you place them strategically. As long as you divide the horizontal view, pastels can produce a slimming effect! In other words, you can pick a pair of trendy cargo pants with pockets and side panels in a different color, like my mainly gray cargo pants with lime green pockets and side panels.

The lime green on my cargo pants is nearly identical to the color of my sweater. Having a vertically monochromatic color scheme can make you appear a little taller.

By the way, lime green goes very well with pale shades of pink. A pale pink coat, especially one with a lilac tone like mine, would match many tree blossoms during this time of year and make you look lovely while keeping you warm in the still chilly weather. 

I hope you find these tips helpful. Enjoy playful pastels!

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